Benefits of Turkesterone: Here’s What You’re Missing Out

Benefits of Turkesterone: Here’s What You’re Missing Out


You’ve most likely heard of turkesterone given how it has been popping up all over the internet, especially among avid gym-goers.

Now it’s natural to wonder about the ecdysteroid’s effects, drawbacks, and efficacy (if any). So we compiled all the relevant intel so you can see if it’s for you or not.

Let’s start with the 101s.

So, just what is this Turkesterone?

Turkesterone is an ecdysteroid, a steroid of hormone found in plants and insects that has a structure similar to an androgen (a hormone that promotes the development of masculine traits like hair and muscle growth).

Ecdysteroids help plants resist insects and pests. They also play a vital role in insects by acting as molting hormones to molt their skin.

You can learn more about the ecdysteroid here in this comprehensive Turkesterone guide. 

Benefits Of Turkesterone

Benefits of Turkesterone

  • Increases the rate of protein synthesis.
  • Improves physical performance
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Improves the fat-burning effects on your body
  • Increases your glucose sensitivity and utilization.
  • Osteoporosis relief (bone degradation)
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Improves sleep, and cholesterol level
  • Helps with anxiety

Reasons to Use Turkesterone

How effective is turkesterone for gaining lean muscle mass and increasing strength? Here are some of the advantages:

  • Could Boost Muscle Mass Gain

Turkesterone might improve body composition by increasing muscle mass and the muscle-to-fat ratio.  It may also have anti-obesity and metabolic-boosting properties.

  • May Enhance Exercise Performance

Turkesterone ecdysteroids can increase ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) generation, a compound that provides energy to the cells in your body.

You can expect more intensity during your physical activities, which will cyclically help with strength and stamina development.

  • Can Help with DOMS

DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) is a pain in the muscle that can range from mild to excruciating levels and is experienced by both novices and athletes.

Turkesterone has been known to help repair exercise-damaged muscle fibers and increase muscle glycogen concentrations, which can help remove lactic acid and improve workout recovery.

It has also been seen to help maintain a positive nitrogen balance, which stimulates muscle growth.

Reasons To Use Turkesterone Scaled

  • Can Display Stress-Fighting Effects

Turkesterone is an adaptogen (a substance that is considered to help the body to adapt to different stress levels).

It may also help you improve your mental health by helping the body cope with stress and weariness.

It may also improve their sleep and reduces anxiety, brain fog, feelings of “burnout,” and low motivation, all of which can indicate depression which is caused by the fluctuation of cortisol (a steroid hormone) levels in your body.

  • Said to Boost Neurotransmitter Production

It might also have the ability to boost neurotransmitter production which is responsible for improving gut health and promoting a healthy ‘gut-brain relationship.’

  • Helps to Fight Against Inflammation

It may also help battle inflammation, boost antioxidant levels, and enhance digestion and immunological function since stress and fatigue reduce immunity.

Furthermore, it might also have hepatoprotective and cardioprotective properties, which implies that it improves liver and heart function by lowering cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

Side Effects of Using Turkesterone

Turkesterones are regarded to be safer than anabolic steroids in general. They do not induce particularly adverse effects as they do not bind to androgen receptors.

However, overconsumption and taking the supplement on an empty stomach may result in Nausea and upset stomach.

This might tell us that they are unlikely to induce significant adverse side effects such as hunger, mood, libido, unusual hair growth, skin health, or sleep disturbances which are common effects of using synthetic steroids.

Turkesterone Dosage

Turkesterone Dosage You Should Follow

Recommended dosage:500 mg-1000 mg per day with meals.

  Users may increase their dosage once their body has adapted to the supplement. However, it is essential NOT to exceed 2000mg per day.

This drug is flexible in terms of dosage; it doesn’t matter when you take it as long as you obtain your daily dose. We recommend taking it with your first meal of the day to keep things simple. You’ll be less likely to forget it this way.

Remember, Turkesterone isn’t a magic pill; you’ll still need to lift heavy and eat properly to get the most out of your efforts.

Note: Turkesterone is not an anabolic steroid; you do not need to commit to any cycle. But to stay on the safe side, you should examine your body conditions every 8-12 weeks after using the supplement to see where you stand and note any changes.

Here’s a turkesterone dosage guide you can check out for a better idea of how to schedule your dosage and what’s considered a safe amount.

The Takeaway

There are many varieties of ecdysteroids, but turkesterone is one of the most effective natural supplements for muscle gain & recovery.

Just be prepared to wait a week or two for effects, and always follow the dosage and the directions. And please don’t expect the supplement to work miracles.

It can only assist muscle growth after you put in your sweat, blood, and iron. But using turkesterone will surely make the journey a lot easier.



1. Is Turkesterone Natural?

Turkesterone is a naturally occurring ecdysteroid derived from plants. Slight traces of it can be found in many sources of food.

2. When Does Turkesterone Kick In?

The majority of the users say that it kicks in around the first week. Please note that it is different for every individual, meaning it may take slightly longer for you.

3. Should You Take Turkesterone?

You can see some before & after effects of turkesterone. The opinions on it are mixed, and it’s up to you whether you want to try it out or not.

4. Do you need a PCT for turkesterone?

No, you don’t need post-cycle therapy (PCT) after taking turkesterone because it doesn’t impact your testosterone levels. Therefore, suppression doesn’t occur after using the supplement, which ultimately eliminates side effects and improves retention of muscle gains.

5. Is Turkesterone Banned?

No, it’s currently not banned and is allowed to be used in almost all sports. This could change since some doping agencies like WADA are looking to ban most Ecdysteroids.

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